January CELLAR RAID - 1/12/18

January CELLAR RAID - 1/12/18

For our 2nd anniversary party we are raiding the cellar! This is your chance to get bottles that you may have missed from the last 2 years. We pulled 43 beers out for this event!

Pro tip: If there's something you really really want, reserve that one first and then go back and place another order for your other bottles. The number of orders you place doesn't matter to us. This is always a little bit of a mad dash, so we apologize in advance if you don't get a specific bottle! If you get an error during checkout, make sure to take a screenshot so we can help you out!

We will also be tapping exclusive one off beers and doing bottle pours of special beers in the tasting room from Thursday the 10th through Sunday the 13th, so mark the whole weekend off in your calendars!

Public reservations begin Saturday 1/5 at noon, and go until Friday 1/11 at noon.

Public pickup day is Saturday, 1/12 from 10am to 4pm. Pickups will end promptly at 4, but our tasting room will be open after 4, and we will be pouring some special beers for our anniversary throughout the night!

Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/speciation-2nd-anniversary-cellar-raid-tickets-53908411510


December 2018 Release

December 2018 Release


Thread of Life - Foeder Aged Solera Sour w/ Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry & Tongan Vanilla - $22/bottle.

Genetic Drift - Foeder Aged Wild Solera Saison w/ Cranberry & Orange - $15/bottle.

Frameshift Mutation - Amber Sour Ale Aged in Oak with Tamarind & Vanilla - $22/bottle.

Phase Variation - Scotch Barrel Aged Imperial Golden Sour Ale - Single Barrel Release - $24/bottle.

Bottle Reservations begin Saturday, December 1st at noon, and run until Friday, December 7th at noon.

Eventbrite link to reserve bottles: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/speciation-december-bottle-release-tickets-52924483555

Pickup day is Saturday, December 8th from 10-4pm. The pickup station will close promptly at 4, but the taproom will be open from 10am to 10pm.


November 2018 Release

November 2018 Release

This month we've backed down to just 4 brands, but dang, they are good ones!

Also, just a reminder that our tasting room is now OPEN Thursday through Sunday, every week!

Reservations start Saturday, 11/3 at noon, and go until Friday, 11/9 at noon.

Pickup day is Saturday, November 10th from 10am to 4pm. The bottle pickup station will close promptly at 4, but the tasting room will be open from 10am to 10pm.

Eventbrite Link to reserve: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/speciation-november-release-tickets-52083177185

1. Laurentian Superior Solera: Plum

2. Genetic Drift Wild Farmhouse Ale w/ Peaches - Our World Beer Cup SILVER medal winning beer makes its return for 2018!

3. Gene Flow - Gose w/ Cranberry, Hibiscus, Orange Zest, Cinnamon, & Salt

4. Punctuated Equilibrium - Chardonnay Barrel Aged Grisette


October 2018 Release

October 2018 Release

Reservations start Saturday, 10/6 at noon, and go until Friday, 10/12 at noon.

Pickup day is Saturday, October 13th from 10 am - 4 pm.

Each ticket represents 1 bottle/can of beer, so please make sure to order the correct amount of tickets! On pickup day you may pay for your bottles/cans with cash or credit card (we use square).

Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/speciation-october-release-tickets-50974949446


1. Magic Trait - Barrel Aged Sour with Blackberries, Blackcurrants & Blueberries - $22/ea.
2. Dimorphic - Foeder Aged Sour with Dark Sweet Red and Gold Cherries - $20/ea.
3. Wet Hopped Incipient - Foeder Aged Sour Wet Hopped with MI Heritage - $18/ea.
4. Genetic Drift with 2nd use Cherries & Wet Hopped w/ MI Heritage - $14/ea.
5. Megafauna - Foeder Aged Golden Sour with Beets and Cherries - $20/ea.
6. Biomimetic - Wild NEIPA DH w/ Amarillo, Chinook, Citra, Vanilla, & Fermented on 2nd use Peaches $8/19.2 ounce stovepipe can.


Biomimetic IPA Can Release

Biomimetic IPA Can Release

Biomimetic is our Biomimicry NEIPA base, fermented on 2nd use peaches from a forthcoming award winning beer... then we dry hopped with Amarillo, Chinook, Citra, and added a touch of vanilla to round it out for a bit of perceived sweetness. The resulting beer is a fluffy and fruity hop bomb, with a bit of funk and a bit of sweetness.

19.2 ounce cans are $8/each (not $8 per 4 pack).

We will be open from 5pm to 9pm. Stop by and have a glass of beer and grab some cans to go. We also have a fully stocked cooler of bottles for in house and to-go.


September 2018 Release

September 2018 Release

​​​​​​​Reservations start Saturday, 9/1 at noon, and go until Friday, 9/7 at noon.

Eventbrite Link to reserve bottles: 

Pickup day is Saturday, September 8th from 10 am - 4 pm.


1. Monotreme - Open Fermented Golden Sour w/ Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, DH w/ Galaxy & Summer - $18/ea. Limit 3.

2. Heredity - BA Sour w/ Blackberries - $22/ea. Limit 3.

3. Genetic Drift DH w/ Aged Hallertau Blanc - $12/ea. Limit 2.

4. Biomimicry - Wild NEIPA DH w/ Belma, Citra, Chinook & Denali - $8/19.2oz can.

5. Gram Positive - Coolshiped BA sour w/ Obsidian Malt & Concord Grapes - Collab w/ Cultivate in Ypsi - $24/ea. Limit 2.

6. Apomixis - Applejack BA Golden Sour - $20/ea. Limit 2.

7. Protoconsciousness - Mezcal BA Golden Sour w/ Grapefruit, Limes & Salt - $24/ea. Limit 1.


Biomimicry Wild NEIPA Can Release

Biomimicry Wild NEIPA Can Release

Our last Biomimicry IPA release went so well that we decided to re-brew it! We double dry hopped this batch with Belma, Chinook, Citra, and Denali for a deliciously fruity and tropical beer. We also backed down on the bitterness yet again, for a smooth and surprisingly full body.

This time around we put Biomimicry in a much more appropriate package for the beer: 19.2 ounce stove pipe cans! All of our cans are can conditioned, meaning we dose flat beer with sugar, fill and seam the can, and then the beer referments inside the can which carbonates the beer and scrubs out oxygen.

Cans are $8/ea and will be available first come, first served at the tasting room this Friday, August 24th from 5-9pm. The tasting room will be open for this night only. It is not open for regular hours yet. The next bottle release is September 8th from 10am to 4pm.

We will also have some bottles available for sale from previous releases, so if you missed out on a recent release, stop by to see what we've got!


August 2018 Release

August 2018 Release

This month we begin our annual exploration of local produce with a number of foraged and local ingredients in most of these beers!

Reservations start Saturday, 8/4 at noon, and go until Friday, 8/10 at noon.

Pickup day is Saturday, August 11th from 10 am - 4 pm.

Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/speciation-august-2018-release-tickets-48456760475

1. The Great Filter - Foeder Aged Golden Sour w/ Honey - $20/ea.

2. March of Progress - Foeder Aged Golden Sour w/ Rhubarb & Vanilla - $22/ea.

3. Common Descent - Berliner Weisse Style Sour w/ Lime & Mint - $8/ea.

4. Cypsela - Employee Small Batch #1: Kara's Beer - Dandelion & Honey Saison Aged in Gray Skies Gin Barrels - $18/ea.

5. Damaged Hypothalamus - Employee Small Batch #2: Devon's Beer - Imperial Sour Aged in Rum Barrels w/ Pineapple, Apricot, And Lime - $24/ea.

6. Macromutation - Wild Ale Aged in Gray Skies Gin Barrels w/ Limes & DH w/ Citra hops - $18/ea.


July 2018 Release

July 2018 Release

This month we have a return of two popular releases from 2017, a fun one off Pro-am beer blended from our barrel stock, a Genetic Drift variant, and another mixed fermented and canned Berliner Weisse style beer.

Reservations start Saturday, 7/7 at noon, and go until Friday, 7/13 at noon.

Eventbrite Link to reserve bottles: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/speciation-july-2018-release-tickets-47479821424

1. Saltation - Tequila BA sour w/ blood orange puree, guava puree, limes, & salt - Corked & caged 750ml bottle. $24/ea.

2. Extinction Line - 100% pilsner malt sour aged in stainless with pomegranate concentrate - Corked & caged 750ml bottle. $18/ea.

3. Cucumosis - A Tart Farmhouse Ale aged in Gray Skies Gin barrels with cucumbers, pineapple concentrate, & salt - Corked & caged 750ml bottle. $18/ea.

4. Genetic Drift w/ Pear - Mixed fermented, stainless aged saison, with a bit of pear concentrate - Corked & caged 750ml bottle. $15/ea.

5. Common Descent w/ Cucumbers & Limes - Berliner Weisse style sour - $8 per 19.2 ounce tall can.

Pickup day is Saturday, July 14th from 10 am - 4 pm.


June 2018 Bottle Release

June 2018 Bottle Release

Reservations start Saturday, 6/2 at noon, and go until Friday, 6/8 at noon.

Pickup day is Saturday, June 9th from 10 am - 4 pm.

Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/speciation-june-2018-release-tickets-46261049043

1. Phylum - Rum BA Sour Golden Ale w/ Limes. $18/ea.

2. Proglacial - Tequila BA Sour Golden Ale w/ Passionfruit. Collab w/ HOMES Brewery in Ann Arbor. $22/ea.

3. L'Obel - Foeder Aged Sour w/ Boysenberry. $22/ea.

4. Genetic Drift w/ Honey - Wine Barrel Aged Wild Saison w/ Honey. $18/ea.

5. Common Descent w/ Meyer Lemons & Limes - Berliner Weisse - 19.2 ounce tall can. $8/ea.


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