The Scientific Bottle Release Method

Observation: Many bottles are reserved each month, but about 20% are not picked up!

Question: Will more people pick up their reserved bottles if they are given a larger pick up window?

Hypothesis: Yes, expanding the pick up window will lead to happier customers and more bottles picked up at each release!

Experiment: For the September release, we are going to offer bottle pick-ups throughout the release weekend. For September, pickup days will be Friday September 13 through Sunday September 15 during regular taproom hours (Friday 4-10, Saturday 12-10, Sunday 12-6). We will still allow proxies to pick up orders with a copy of the purchasers’ ID. The bottle pick up station will be to the right of the tasting room bar.

Analysis: We will see how the September release goes and determine if this will be a permanent change if or we will revert to the one day pick up window.


-The Speciation Staff