Last year we introduced Biomimicry, an IPA/saison hybrid fermented with our house cultures, and dry-hopped with Belma and Amarillo. It was a beer we were proud of, and when we shared it with our brewer friends we were always met with glowing reviews. Unfortunately, this appreciation did not translate to our fans, and Biomimicry became our lowest rated beer on social media, by a wide margin. While we try to let our passion and personal judgement guide us, it was apparent that there was a disconnect between the beer and what our fans expected the beer to be.
This year we decided to brew the beer again, but with a few modifications. This time around, we switched up the primary yeast and fermented with Omega's Brett Blend #1: Where Da Funk?, which is known for its intense tropical fruit flavors. Throughout fermentation we dry-hopped constantly with Azacca and Citra to do some bio-transformation, which will lead to a beautifully hazy and soft beer when consumed fresh. We also included a bunch of oats and wheat in the grist for a nice smooth and fluffy body. Near the end of primary fermentation we pitched our house cultures, and dry-hopped 2 more times. The end product has been triple dry-hopped, for a total of 5 lbs/bbl of hops, turning this beer into a juicy hop-bomb, with a fruity bouquet of pineapple, mango, pear, and pine.
As always, it is our goal to only release high quality, mix-fermented beers. While we stand by Bio-Mimicry v.1, version 2 completely satisfies our hoppy fix. It delights us to release this beer to you in April, and we hope it blows you away! Look for bottle release specifics later this March, and expect an April 14th release if all goes well with bottle conditioning.