Dear Dads, thanks for showing your sons that manliness is about compassion, respect, and understanding. Thank you for raising strong daughters that aren’t confined to any glass ceilings. And for making sure your children across the spectrum are deeply loved and know their worth.
Being a dad is no easy task, especially when you have worthless nipples. But you rise up and grab that bottle in the middle of the night, you rise up and take your kid on the 9pm CVS run to grab their poster board for their school project, you rise up and remind your teenagers for the millionth time that showering will help them be successful in life!
Here’s to the dads! To celebrate you we will have a secret “Dad’s only” tap in the tasting room with discounted pours. And we love you dads, so trust us when we say it’s going to be a beer worth getting.
The tasting room will be closing at 6pm on Father’s Day.