Hey folks! I hope you are surviving this very weird winter so far. Here are some beers to cheer you up!
Bottle reservations begin Saturday, 2/2 at noon and are open until Friday 2/8 at noon (or until sell out).
Eventbrite Link to reserve bottles: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/speciation-february-release-tickets-55412347824
Pickup day is February 9th from 10am to 4pm.
THE LAURENTIAN SERIES: LAKE SUPERIOR w/ HUCKLEBERRIES - This... is one special beer. The blend consists of our last 2 barrels of 2017 Laurentian Superior, which were aged for ≈ 22 months in oak. We asked our friends at Reh-moor farms just outside of Marquette to grow and hand harvest huckleberries specifically for this beer. Huckleberries are a bright purple fruit that taste like an herbal blueberry, but they are actually more closely related to tomatoes! This beer is easily the most complex beer we've ever released. Bright acidity, balanced blue fruit, fresh herbs, beautiful tannin/oak structure, and a touch of farmyard. $35 per corked and capped 750ml bottle. Limit 1. Very limited statewide distribution.
ARKLESEIZURE'S SNEEZE OF CREATION - Barrel Fermented Nordic Ale w/ a hint of Lingonberry - Employee Small Batch: Todd's Recipe - "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - $8 per 16oz can. Limits determined after Cultured Club sales end. Limited statewide distribution.
WARDIAN CASE - Barrel Aged Dark Sour w/ Cocoa nibs, Raspberry & Vanilla beans - #pastrysour - $22 per 750ml corked & caged bottle. Limits determined after Cultured Club sales end. Brewery Exclusive release - No distribution.
EXTROPIAN - Foeder Aged Solera Sour w/ Peaches, Cinnamon & Vanilla - We are extremely honored to blend a second beer for Mikkeller Beer Club! This time we packaged 22 extra cases so we could do a small brewery only release before we send the remaining 66 cases to Denmark! - #pastrysour - $22 per 750ml corked & caged bottle. Limits determined after Cultured Club sales end. Brewery Exclusive release - No distribution.
-The Speciation Crew: Mitch, Whitney, Adam, Kara, Todd, Devon, Quinn, Luis & Jackie
P.S. - Keep on eye on D. Schuler's for a beer we brewed exclusively for them: STONES FROM THE SKY - A Golden Sour Ale aged in a Big Lake Brewing Imperial Stour Barrel, THEN transferred to a Detroit City Distillery Bloodline Whiskey barrel... with dark sweet cherries.