Howdy Folks!
For our 2nd anniversary party we are raiding the cellar! This is your chance to get bottles that you may have missed from the last 2 years. We pulled 43 beers out for this event!
Pro tip: If there's something you really really want, reserve that one first and then go back and place another order for your other bottles. The number of orders you place doesn't matter to us. This is always a little bit of a mad dash, so we apologize in advance if you don't get a specific bottle! If you get an error during checkout, make sure to take a screen shot so we can help you out!
We will also be tapping exclusive one off beers and doing bottle pours of special beers in the tasting room from Thursday the 10th through Sunday the 13th, so mark the whole weekend off in your calendars!
Public reservations begin Saturday 1/5 at noon, and go until Friday 1/11 at noon.
Public pickup day is Saturday, 1/12 from 10am to 4pm. Pickups will end promptly at 4, but our tasting room will be open after 4, and we will be pouring some special beers for our anniversary throughout the night!
Eventbrite link:
Polymorphism - Barrel Aged Dark Sour w/ Cinnamon, Vanilla, and Honey - This dark sour is a blend of 3 different dark sour batches that all aged for over a year in oak. We then added an insane amount of vanilla, cinnamon, and an insane amount of honey. The honey added a decent amount of alcohol and a rare amount of sweetness... for a speciation beer. Clocking in at 10% abv, this is a delicious winter sipper, and should age magnificently in your cellar. Limit 3. $20/bottle. Corked and caged 750ml bottle. 60 cases produced. Statewide Distribution. #pastrysour
Sympatric - Beer/Wine Hybrid - 60% Oak Aged Golden Sour Ale/40% Vignoles Wine w/ Skin Contact - This batch of Sympatric is inspired by the natural/orange wine movement. Some of our favorite wines out there are orange wines, which are essentially white wines made with red wine production methods... namely juice to skin contact (sorry, it's not made from oranges). We crushed Vignoles grapes by foot, fermented the juice on the skins for 14 days, and then free ran the juice off to finish fermentation in oak. After a few months of aging we blended the it with golden sour from our foeder. The end product is something that will shock your wine friends into loving wild beer. Limit 2. $24/bottle. Corked and caged 750ml bottle. 22 cases produced. Brewery exclusive release. #winemeetsbeer
Mycoplasma - Nordic Cream Ale - Lightly Dry Hopped w/ Mandarina & Saaz - Collaboration with Rake Beer Project - Our buddy Josh Rake is opening a brewery in Muskegon soon called Rake Beer Project. To help kick things off for him, we've brewed up a crusher. We wanted to keep it simple in every way: Pilsner malt, Hornindal yeast fermented at 90F, finished with house cultures, and lightly DH with two simple yet delicious hops. If you enjoyed our wild lagers in the past, this one will be right up your alley. Limit 3. $6/16oz can. 42 cases produced. Limited statewide distribution. #hornindal
2017 Funky Releases:
2017 Genetic Drift Batch 1 - Mosaic & Saaz - $15 - 36 available - limit 4
2017 Genetic Drift Batch 2 - Mosaic & Saaz - $15 - 36 available - limit 4
2017 Genetic Drift Batch 3 - Azacca & EKG - $15 - 24 available - limit 2
2017 Genetic Drift Batch 4 - Belma & Celia - $15 - 36 available - limit 4
2017 Sorry to Disappoint you - Wild Lager - $12 - 36 available - limit 4
2017 Sour Releases:
2017 Blackberry Incipient - $22 - 48 available - limit 6
2017 Tequila BA Incipient w/ Blueberries, Limes, Salt - $26 - 12 available - limit 1
2017 Sweet/Tart Cherry Incipient - $22 - 24 available - limit 2
2017 Melanocarpa - Sour w/ Aronia Berries - $22 - 24 available - limit 3
2017 Morphology - Berliner DH w/ Mosaic, Medusa, Motueka, Mandarina - $10 - 36 available - limit 4
2017 Pomegranate Incipient - Sour w/ Pomegranate - $22 - 12 available - limit 1
2017 Tart Cherry Incipient - Sour w/ Tart Cherry - $22 - 48 available - limit 6
2018 Funky Releases:
2018 Cypsela - Gin BA w/ Dandelions & Honey - $15 - 96 available - limit 8
2018 Genetic Drift - 2nd use Cherries & Fresh Wet Hops - $14 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Genetic Drift - Cranberry & Orange - $15 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Genetic Drift - Aged Hallertau - $12 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Genetic Drift - Wine BA w/ Honey - $15 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Genetic Drift - Peach - $15 - 36 available - limit 4
2018 Genetic Drift - Pear - $15 - 36 available - limit 4
2018 Gradualism - Farmhourse w/ Peppercorns & DH w/ Summit - $15 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Macromutation - Gin BA Farmhouse w/ Limes - $18 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Urbanization - Wild Lager w/ oats & DH w/ Saaz, EKG, and MI Heritage - $12 - 48 available - limit 6
2018 Sour Releases:
2018 Cambrian Explosion - Grapefruit Sour - $22 - 12 available - limit 1
2018 Centromere - Flower Sour - $22 - 36 available - limit 3
2018 Cucumosis - Gin BA w/ Cucumber & Pineapple - $18 - 24 available - limit 2
2018 Dimorphic - Cherry Blend - $20 - 24 available - limit 2
2018 Incipient - Dry Hopped Sour - $18 - 24 available - limit 2
2018 Extinction Line - Pomegranate Sour - $18 - 24 available - limit 2
2018 Facilitated Adaptation - Tequila BA w/ Pineapple & Denali hops - $24 - 24 available - limit 2
2018 Gene Flow - Gose w/ Hibiscus, Cranberry, Orange, & Cinnamon - $18 - 24 available - limit 2
2018 Gram Positive - BA Sour w/ Concord Grapes - $24 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Heredity - Bourbon BA w/ Blackberry - $22 - 36 available - limit 4
2018 Magic Trait - BA Sour w/ Blackberry, Blackcurrant, Blueberry - $22 - 48 available - limit 4
2018 March of Progress - Sour w/ Rhubarb & Vanilla - $22 - 48 available - limit 4
2018 Monotreme - Sour DH w/ Galaxy, Summer, Butterfly pea flower - $18 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Phenotype - BA Dark Sour w/ Cocoa Nibs & Vanilla - $22 - 21 available - limit 2
2018 Phylogenetic - Sour w/ Tangerine - $22 - 12 available - limit 1
2018 Pleiotropy - BA Dark Sour w/ Madcap Coffee - $22 - 36 available - limit 4
2018 Prime Mover - Sour w/ Ginger & Orange - $22 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Progenote - Bourbon BA Dark Sour - $22 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 The Great Filter - Sour w/ Honey - $20 - 24 available - limit 3
2018 Wet Hopped Incipient - Sour Heavily Wet Hopped w/ MI Heritage - $15 - 48 available - Limit 6
Each ticket represents 1 bottle/can of beer, so please make sure to order the correct amount of tickets! On pickup day you may pay for your bottles/cans with cash or credit card (we use square).
Proxies are allowed. We just need a copy of the purchaser's ID and the proxy's ID. It is the proxy's responsibility to pay for the bottles/cans at pickup.
-The Speciation Crew: Mitch, Whitney, Adam, Kara, Todd, Devon, Quinn, Luis & Jackie